本帖最后由 wai008 于 2019-4-25 12:00 编辑
【影片名稱】圓碌碌戰警 (英语:RollBots)
【影片格式】x265 MKV 1080P
【語言字幕】粵英雙語 繁中字幕
【錄影製作】某錄, 某壓
故事簡介: 加拿大動畫
Spin, Captain Pounder, and the other members of the Flip City Police work together to fight evil Vertex and his henchbots. As Vertex attempts to shut down the Hub so he can take control of Flip City, members of the FCPD are there to confound his every move.
行動迅速、反應敏捿的旋風 (Spin) 是彈動城警察總部的新戰警,與世代做戰警的紀逹氏族藍斯拍檔,一起警惡懲奸,為了維護彈動城的安全和法紀,努力追趕壞蛋惡霸。
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