本帖最后由 wai008 于 2019-7-1 20:18 编辑
【影片名稱】熊熊遇見你2 We Bare Bears2
【影片集數】共26集 (第2季 26集 每次播放兩集 )
【影片格式】x265 MKV 1080P
【語言字幕】粵英雙語 繁中字幕
【錄影製作】某錄, 某壓
Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear are just three outsiders trying to find their way in, and if they can get some ice cream on the way there, all the better. Each episode deals with the Bears' everyday misadventures finding food, goofing around, and dealing with each other and the world around them. Whatever the situation, it's obvious that being a bear in the civilized, modern world is not easy.
熊熊遇見你 第一季 https://www.dranime.net/thread-55397-1-1.html
收費 130 雪點
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