本帖最后由 fokdaniel 于 2020-6-22 17:02 编辑
鑑於配合新型冠狀病毒的防疫政策,官方經過考慮後,《Healin' Good 光之美少女》由4月26日(原定播咉第13集)開始暫停播映,直至另行通知 在4月26日至重啟播映期間,官方亦將會嚴選重播第1-12集的精華片段。 而最新消息及重啟播映日期,請留意官方網站及SNS公布.
“Healin' Good Pretty Cure will be suspended from 26th April, 2020” Due to the avoid policy of COVID-19, after the official consideration, Healin' Good Pretty Cure will be suspended from 26th April, 2020 until further notice. Official also will be select the highlight of episode 1-12 start from 26th April, 2020 until restart. Please note the announcement of official website or SNS for more info and the date of restart.
最新消息 : 《Healin' Good 光之美少女》已經由6月28日開始恢復播映.(由第13集開始播咉)