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PSVITA Good Points

已有 1855 次阅读2014-3-27 21:07 |个人分类:PSVITA| psvita, vita, games, touch, screen

I've had the PSVita that Sony released back in 2012. Its a great hand held console. Graphics are great considering how small it is.
Its OLED screen makes the graphics of most games sharp and near perfect.
The only downside is the lack of great software to play. Which is mainly in my case the lack of 3rd party ports of Games. In Japan there are a number of good looking releases but the cost of Japanese games are alot higher.

The good thing about Sony's Hardware is that its completely region free, so importing and playing is an option if you can afford it and can read Japanese.

The back and front panel touch function is still under utilised by game developers but when the function is used properly it can complete change the outlook of the games.


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