Will you watch the old Gundam after Origin?
Will you watch the old Gundam RX78 after you watched Gundam: Origin?yes, i did 路过~~~~~~~~ maybe{:6_160:} 路过顺便求翻译。。。。。 似乎係講,你會唔會睇高達rx78 watched the old gundam when i was young, watching the original now 进击的鹏飞 发表于 2016-10-2 13:32
佢問你睇完高達origin之後會唔會睇番原本嘅高達 ,即係一年戰爭 zanki 发表于 2016-10-4 03:47
佢問你睇完高達origin之後會唔會睇番原本嘅高達 ,即係一年戰爭
多谢翻译,目前嚟讲唔会,兴趣唔系好大,现阶段对管乐团比较有兴趣~~ Can watch the Movie version, short and good