ASToonBlue 发表于 2016-1-9 00:13:17

kapuchino 发表于 2016-1-9 00:01

我认为Apple 是最好的,但我必须支付7.5倍的价格 {:9_403:}

canny837 发表于 2016-1-9 00:13:59

ASToonBlue 发表于 2016-1-9 00:15:06

仔仔kira 发表于 2016-1-9 00:04
几日前还用紧红米2元旦之后 用老婆得iPhone 6,..

IOS interface is a lot easier to use and simple but there are some restrictions to it.

For example , You are forced to use itunes {:9_403:} compared to drag and drop if you are using android devices

Zeriable 发表于 2016-1-9 00:15:35


仔仔kira 发表于 2016-1-9 00:33:54

ASToonBlue 发表于 2016-1-9 00:15
IOS interface is a lot easier to use and simple but there are some restrictions to it.

For exa ...


adyyan 发表于 2016-1-9 00:40:03


fd3870 发表于 2016-1-9 00:43:13

山寨机 超好用

无语的傻籽 发表于 2016-1-9 01:05:17


stephenx 发表于 2016-1-9 01:06:12

Iphone 6   我觉得够用了,大小 速度 我觉得够了

ivanhui615 发表于 2016-1-9 01:15:39

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