diulama 发表于 2015-5-3 08:11:18

thanks for sharing!!! loving it!

long8154 发表于 2015-5-3 23:00:51

thomnet 发表于 2015-5-3 23:17:56

thank you for sharing

famous 发表于 2015-5-8 23:31:54

thanks for sharing

kmb2000 发表于 2015-5-8 23:38:10

thank you for fun this new anime   so nice 先導者G   thank you

famous 发表于 2015-5-10 10:35:17

have you got episode 10 for this anime?

salem2046 发表于 2015-5-10 16:08:07

thx for share

roylai133 发表于 2015-5-10 16:08:29

famous 发表于 2015-5-10 10:35
have you got episode 10 for this anime?


famous 发表于 2015-5-10 17:24:39

roylai133 发表于 2015-5-10 08:08

OK, thanks you

Wilo21 发表于 2015-5-10 17:49:55

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查看完整版本: [原創] (TXB) 卡片鬥爭!!先導者G (共48集) (完結) (欠第28-31,41集)