日本游记 Travel to Japan (全部更新完updated complete)
第一次The First Timehttps://www.dranime.net/thread-13142-1-1.html
(只有简体中文版本Available in Simplified Chinese Only)
28 August Day 1
今次坐的是全日空运营的航班 日本的航空公司
This time's flight is running by All Nippon Airlines, Japan's Air Company
登机牌Boarding Pass
登机广播只有日英双语 以为已经去左日本
The boarding broadcast is only in Japanese & English, it is seems that I am in Japan now.
外国人优惠价1500円 原价3020円 仅限由成田机场出发往东京都地区
Foreigner's Price is 1,500 YEN while normally 3,020 YEN. Valid only for traveling from Narita Airport to the Tokyo area.
车厢The Car
车厢内部Inside the car
日本为吸引外国人去旅游 几乎所有地方都用日英中韩四语显示
For attracting foreigners travelling to Japan, almost all of the places are shown in Japanese, English, Chinese & Korean.
头6节与后6节车厢会于东京站分离 所以请于购票时与职员说清楚目的地 以免坐错车去错目的地 我坐的车厢以新宿为终点站 另外的以横滨为终点站
Train cars will be being uncoupled at Tokyo Station, so please tell your destination to the staff to avoid sitting at the wrong car. So the car I sit is going to Shinjuku while another is going to Yokohama.
29 August Day 2
出发 往江之岛进发
Deparutre for Enoshima
到片濑江之岛啦 再行10分钟就可以入到本岛
Arrive at Katase-Enoshima Station, 10 mins walk to the island.
The road to Enoshima
通过参道之后 映入眼帘的是巨大的鸟居 鲜红色的鸟居为日本神社最具象征性的建物 第一张图为江鸟神社鸟居
A huge archway and a splendid gate appear as you leave the road. The red archway is a symbolic feature of Japanese Shrines. The first photo is the gate of Enoshima Shrine.
行完江之岛之后 梗係要搭连接江之岛同镰仓一带不可或缺的交通工具--"江之岛电铁"
When I had enough of Enoshima, take Enoshima Electric Railway, which is indispensable to sightseeing in Enoshima & Kamakura.
如果你有睇男儿当入樽 咁你一定会知道以下的景色
If you had seen Slam Dunk, you must well-known the following scene
唔小心删左张无人的 发一张出来将就下
Mis-delete the view of the Kamakura School Gate, upload another with me instead- -
镰仓大佛The Great Buddha, Kamakura
入场费大人200円 Admission Fee(200 YEN per adult)
睇完镰仓大佛之后 一定要过来镰仓小町通 小町通的名产和美食都散发住日本风情 令人深刻感受到历史文化大镇镰仓与众不同的氛围
After you leave Kamakura Great Buddha, remember to come Komachi-dori Street, there are lots of unique Japanese products and foods on this street, which feels like an intrinsic part of Kamakura's history and cultre.
Day 2最后一张係最近的新番"一周的朋友"里面的一张剧照
The last photo in Day 2 is the scene in anime One Week Friends
30 August Day 3
雷门: 西元942年,是由武将平公雅所创建,本是建于浅草南方的驹形之位,直至镰仓时代(1192–1333)才移筑于现在的位置。而为了配合建筑改建,风神和雷神的神像便被安置于这座门的两侧。
Kaminarimon Gate: The original gate, built by military commander Taira no Kinmasa in 942, stood south of Asakusa in Komagata. It was erected in the present location during the Kamakura period (1192–1333). At that time, statues of Fujin (wind god) and Raijin (thunder god) came to rest at either side of the gate.
浅草寺: 位于日本东京都台东区浅草二丁目 是东京都内历史最悠久的寺院 山号为金龙山 供奉的本尊是圣观音 原属天台宗 于第二次世界大战后独立 成为圣观音宗的总本山 观音菩萨本尊通称为“浅草观音”
Senso-ji is an ancient Buddhist temple located in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. It is Tokyo's oldest temple, and one of its most significant. Formerly associated with the Tendai sect of Buddhism, it became independent after World War II. Adjacent to the temple is a Shinto shrine, the Asakusa Shrine.
筑地市场: 位于东京都中央区筑地的公营批发市场 亦是日本最大的鱼市场东京都内11间东京都中央批发市场之一 其规模之大与知名度之广 不只是东京 更是日本首屈一指的批发市场
The Tsukiji Market is the biggest wholesale fish and seafood market in the world and also one of the largest wholesale food markets of any kind.
皇居正门石桥Seimon Ishibashi Bridge
皇居正门 好好运岩岩好睇到士兵交班
The Front Gate of Imperial Palace, it's lucky because I saw the soldier handed over their mission to another team in accident.
明治神宫Meijijingu Shrine
宫内巫女 Shrine Maiden
表参道人流 我一度以为自己去左香港弥敦道
So crowd at Omotesando Street! I thought I was at Nathan Road in Hong Kong!
日本的苹果旗舰店 Apple Retail Store in Japan
搭乘百合鸥线去台场 左上方为彩虹大桥 而列车亦会从大桥下方穿过
Take Yurikamome to Odaiba Area, the upper left is Rainbow Bridge and the train will go through this bridge!
到达台场站 Arrive at Daiba Station
迷你自由女神像 顺便影埋彩虹大桥
Statue of Liberty mini version with Rainbow Bridge
富士电视台Fuji Television Network, Inc.
31 August Day 4
从新宿出发Departure from Shinjuku
到达千叶Arrive at Chiba
千叶旅游协会宣传 The event held by Chiba Travel Association
准备试搭单轨电车Try Chiba Monorail
居高临下的感觉其实不错 It is a good feeling when condescending
千叶公园Chiba Park
如果你有睇俺妹 你会明You will understand if you had seen Ore no Imoto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai
午餐The lunch
1 September 2014 Day 5
叮当博物馆门票Admission Ticket of Fujiko Fujio Museum
由于地处偏僻 所以需要搭巴士前往 请注意 巴士车牌均为多啦A梦出世年份2112
Due to the remoteness of the museum, we should take the bus to arrive there.
Please pay attention that the car license number 2112 is the year Doraemon will born.
樵夫之泉Woodman Fountain
博物馆内有多啦A梦餐厅there's a restaurant inside the museum
Want to ask me how tall I am? Secret!!
空地The ground
Memory Bread & Dorayaki
纪念品店 多啦A梦全集??!!
Memorial Shop. Is this full series of Doraemon??!!
2 September 最后一日The Last Day
睇过言叶之庭噶人梗係要去新宿御苑啦 因为离酒店近 果日又要赶飞机 所以都係去D近噶地方参观
Shinjuku Gyoen is the stage of The Garden of the Words, why I choose here in last day?
Because I have to catch the flight and here is so near my hotel, of course choose here.
本次日本之旅最后一餐The last meal in Japan this trip
无糖午后红茶Sugar-free Milk tea
搭车去机场咯 来果阵係坐JR 返去就坐京成电铁 难得来一次梗係乜都要试下www
Take the train to Airport. When I come to the city zone, I take JR. So when I go back to the Airport, I will choose Keisei Skyliner.
懒得打字Too lazy to type
上飞机 等待出发Aboard the plane
从飞机入面望出去The view from the plane
飞机餐The meal
返到广州 Back to Guangzhou
终于更新完啦 多谢收睇 欢迎下面提问 分体式电车男....... 攞个前排先 真係羡慕 拿个头位先
揾个机会一定要去 分离式车厢咁得意嘅 好似几好玩咁喔 我都想去啊啊啊啊{:6_186:} 電車,,電車。。。。 只可以说句︰真羡慕joechen大{:9_379:} 楼主可以预告下下一天去哪里吗?