wai008 发表于 2024-7-30 09:49:18

TV8231 发表于 2024-7-30 01:42
@wai008 Wai版主識唔識點搞?
Microsoft 本身有

asd2008asd 发表于 2024-7-30 13:12:53


神之影 发表于 2024-7-30 14:16:15


TV8231 发表于 2024-7-30 16:35:36

wai008 发表于 2024-7-30 09:49
Microsoft 本身有


jason31202 发表于 2024-7-30 16:37:35

本帖最后由 jason31202 于 2024-7-30 16:49 编辑

TV8231 发表于 2024-7-30 02:31




例如我之前試過用HEIC File Converter 1.2.0 免安裝版,但係呢個唔得,因為JPG會變色,唔同原本張圖,後尾知道原因係因為唔可以resolution 100%,但呢個軟件冇得校,所以轉用iMazing Converter

用iMazing Converter嗰陣,Format要用JPEG(因為PNG啲色會唔同咗少少,而且file size變大咗好多),Quality要100%,Resolution 99.9%(因為100%會變灰少少,唔知點解),最後一係差唔多,一係顏色sharp啲靚咗

file size比原本HEIC多半倍左右

iMazing Converter link: Download iMazing Converter for Mac and PC

TV8231 发表于 2024-7-30 17:51:54

jason31202 发表于 2024-7-30 16:37


wai008 发表于 2024-7-30 20:16:19

TV8231 发表于 2024-7-30 17:51
他說的是 HEIC, 不是HEIF

兩個有少許分別, HEIC 是 平果專用格式, HEIF 是通用性格式, 兩個格式好接近, 但仍有少許分別.

HEIC 與 HEIF 的分別可以參考這裡

TV8231 发表于 2024-7-30 20:47:50

wai008 发表于 2024-7-30 20:16
他說的是 HEIC, 不是HEIF

兩個有少許分別, HEIC 是 平果專用格式, HEIF 是通用性格式, 兩個格式好接近,...

OK 再研究下先

小白菜花 发表于 2024-7-30 21:09:48


jason31202 发表于 2024-7-30 21:32:12

本帖最后由 jason31202 于 2024-7-31 19:34 编辑

wai008 发表于 2024-7-30 20:16
他說的是 HEIC, 不是HEIF

兩個有少許分別, HEIC 是 平果專用格式, HEIF 是通用性格式, 兩個格式好接近,...
哦,我都沒有發覺,不過我在microsoft app store裏看到它的描述,它寫自己在version 2除了HEIC之外都可以support HEIF的,我估它在官網的描述未更新而已,它在microsoft app store的更新描述比較齊全一些,不過我就沒有試過,你可以試一試

link: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9pnb8dft7fz2?rtc=1&hl=zh-hk&gl=HK

iMazing Converter is the first 100% free solution to easily convert photos and video taken in the new HEIF/HEIC and HEVC formats. Easy to use, efficient, it's a cute little utility we hope you'll find useful!

- Convert HEIF/HEIC files to JPEG or PNG
- Convert HEVC (H.265) files to MPEG-4 (H.264)
- Adjustable compression/quality and resolution of JPEG or MPEG-4 output
- Preserve EXIF data when converting to JPEG
- Super easy to use: drag and drop files or folders and hit Convert
- Available on macOS too!

Convert HEIF/HEIC images to JPEG

Convert HEIF/HEIC images to PNG

Convert HEVC (H.265) videos to MPEG-4 (H.264)

Customize compression/quality ratio

Customize resolution ratio

Preserves EXIF metadata

Support for color profiles, including wide-gamut

Super easy to use: drag and drop files or folders and hit Convert

100% Free

Version 2 adds the following features:
- Convert HEVC (H.265) videos to MPEG-4 (H.264)
- Customize compression/quality ratio of MPEG-4 (H.264) output
- Customize resolution ratio of MPEG-4 (H.264) output
- Customize resolution ratio of JPEG output

Fixes in 2.0.9:
- Fixed conversion issues on some HEIF files without thumbnails (META.IREF missing)

Fixes in 2.0.8:
- Fixed a crash when generating thumbnails on some HEIF files

Fixes in 2.0.7:
- Fixed an issue causing image tiles to be rendered out of order for specific image dimensions

Fixes in 2.0.6:
- Fixed a crash converting some live photos

Fixes in 2.0.5:
- Improved memory usage and stability

Fixes in 2.0.3:
- Increased quality of JPEG high quality setting slightly
- Improved error reporting
- Improved stability

Fixes in 2.0.2:
- Fixed an issue that could cause some video files to be converted incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue converting files to a directory with special characters.
- Added support for .heif or .hif file extensions.

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查看完整版本: Win10 怎樣開「HEIF」格式的相片?